Saldanha Bay Project
Our commitment to Saldanha Bay Municipality
Zoom Fibre, in partnership with the Saldanha Bay Municipality, SBM Smart City & Amoeba, brings you the BAOBAB Fibre Project. Our goal is to transform the heart of the West Coast into a safe, secure digital city.
Our Valued Partners

Our Vision for the Saldanha Bay Municipal Area
Local Office Presence
We are committed to ensuring a local office presence to cater to all your fibre needs. Find us at 7 Uitspan Weg, Vredenburg, 7380
Free School Connectivity
Zoom Fibre provides a free 1Gbps fibre line in partnership with a selected service provider. Enquire to see if your school qualifies.
Smart City
We are transforming SBM into a Smart City through solid partnerships with the municipality and tender partners.
Job Creation
Zoom Fibre is committed to ensuring the local people of Saldanha Bay are employed and empowered through us or our contractors.